When individuals plan their life and envision a certain future with another person, and the trajectory shifts, it can be incredibly challenging. The logistics related to potentially moving out, dividing assets, filing for divorce, planning the children's future are stressful.
The experience of divorce is linked to both psychological and physical health issues that may present themselves in the short or long term. Studies show that most people are resilient and cope well after their marriage ends. However, for a small percentage of couples, the process and consequences of a divorce can be a substantial challenge as they struggle to adapt to the new reality.
In many cases, no emotional, financial or mental preparation happens prior to a divorce. Either one or both parties can go through emotional transitions that occur in five stages before the stage of filing for divorce is reached. These stages include denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. The prospect of facing the ex in court and the cost of divorce can be daunting to most couples.
Uncoupling offers opportunities to create a better and smoother way for couples to divorce.
Conscious uncoupling in psychotherapy
The term 'conscious uncoupling' was coined by marriage and family therapist Katherine Woodward Thomas in her book 'Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily Even After.' It has since then become equated with 'amicable divorce.' Although the concept is not entirely new, “conscious uncoupling” gathered public attention when Gwyneth Paltrow publicly announced separation from her husband in 2014.
The process consists of five steps with the first three being all about harnessing negative emotions and taking responsibility for the individual role in the separation. Steps four and five are about learning to forgive each other, getting clear about the old agreements that the relationship was based on, and forming new agreements.
Simplified dissolution
A simplified dissolution of marriage is an easier and quicker way of obtaining a divorce in Florida. If you and your partner meet these criteria, you can go ahead with the simplified dissolution of your marriage:
- Both of you agree that your marriage cannot be saved
- There are no dependent or minor children
- Neither one of you is seeking alimony
- There is a written settlement agreeing on dividing assets as well as debts
- Both spouses agree on giving up the right to appeal and trial and opt for a simplified procedure
In case of an uncontested divorce as well, both spouses need to sign an agreement on all aspects including debts, marital property, and minor children. They also need to submit the financial affidavit in a specified time frame of receiving the paperwork related to the divorce paperwork.
Achieving consensus on all matters is easier when there is a neutral mediator and collaborative approach from all parties, including the divorce attorneys.
When the parties cannot agree on any aspect of the divorce, the ensuing litigation sends each party into 'attack and defend' modes. Instead of viewing the divorce as a battle, using divorce mediation can make the process conciliatory and more peaceful. Research shows mediation during a divorce can improve the relationships between the parties, lead to emotional satisfaction and improve outcomes with respect to children's needs.
Both parties can explain their perspectives and position on all issues, which can result in solutions beneficial to spouses and children. Many couples prefer to reach an out-of-court settlement during the mediation to make the process less painful and shorter.
Divorce mediation in Florida requires the presence of the parties to the divorce as well as a third-party mediator. Your attorney from the top-rated divorce law firm Hialeah is known for will also attend the mediation to assist you in navigating the process.
Smoothing out finances
Negotiating becomes easy once there is an honest exchange of financial information. In many cases, the imbalance in the marital relationship impacts the financial knowledge of the parties. The neutral mediator along with the attorneys and spouses can focus on achieving specific, fair outcomes for each of the parties. Instead of pulling the parties in different directions, the uncoupling route to divorce mediation is concerned with arriving at an agreement based on teamwork and collective inputs.
Consulting the best divorce attorney Hialeah has on offer is the recommended way to prepare yourself emotionally and from a legal viewpoint for your divorce. This will boost your chances of achieving the desired outcome and make the process as seamless as possible.
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