Going through a divorce is extremely difficult and confusing often. Divorces are not easy things to go through. There are many different emotions that both parties are going through, lots of court dates, time, and costs.
Couples oftentimes have a hard time agreeing with how to divide assets. Many times children are also involved and splitting custody of the children, child support, and property division can make this process even more difficult. Family court legal services are here to provide assistance. Working with a qualified family lawyer in a top of the line family law firm will ensure your divorce goes by much smoother.
If you find yourself struggling to go through the divorce process collaborative divorce may be the solution for you. If you are looking for the top family law firm in Florida, Joseph Corey is here to represent you and make sure you get an equal share of your assets.
What is Collaborative Divorce?
Collaborative law removes disputes that occur in the court from that take the situation and change it from “fight and win” to “troubleshoot and problem solve” by making negotiations through mediation.
For collaborative divorce to work both parties must be willing to seek mediation in the court process. Both parties must be willing to settle their divorce through a collaborative process. In some cases, courts even make it mandatory for spouses seeking a divorce to settle their assets in mediation before going through litigating court.
What are the Benefits of Collaborative Divorce?
There are so many benefits of collaborative divorce. Going through the court to get through a divorce can increase legal bills, stress, and the length of time it takes to get a divorce. Some of the most important benefits include:
- Saving money
- Saving time
- Takes place in an informal setting
- Allows you to negotiate a result that works best for both parties
- Allows you to decide how to handle post-settlement disputes
- A free, open, and informal honest exchange of information and wants
Collaborative divorce avoids a strung-out court case
Divorces can bring out the worst in couples, from screaming, arguing, and not being able to come to an agreement together. Collaborative divorces bypass this pain and stress and are generally always a smooth and easy process for couples going through a divorce.
You still get the benefit of having an attorney
Through collaborative divorce, your attorney will ensure that they work with you as best as they can to get you everything you need and want through the divorce while creating a less harsh hostile atmosphere between you and your spouse.
Your children are less involved in the divorce process
Children should be protected at all costs throughout a divorce. It can be very difficult for children of any age for their parents to go through a divorce. When you go through collaborative divorce things often must be smoother and there is less fighting and arguing. Family court legal services are here to provide you and your family with assistance if a mediator is needed.
Collaborative divorce is time and cost-efficient
Divorce can be a long and expensive process. Some divorces can take up to as long as six months to come to an agreement. This increases the cost that will incur overtime throughout the divorce process.
How does Collaborative Divorce Work?
Each spouse hires an attorney to guide them through the divorce process. If you are looking for an experienced attorney, Joseph Corey family law provides high-quality family court legal services when undergoing a divorce. Your attorney will be familiar with the mediation process and negotiation process and be able to advocate for you throughout the process.
Meet with your attorney alone and explain to your attorney how you would like to settle assets. However, remember collaborative divorce is about being flexible and coming to compromises.
Be sure to explain to your attorney your goals, but what you would be willing to compromise on. For example, if you believe you should be receiving $1000 in child support monthly, but are able to survive off $850 explain this to your attorney prior to mediation.
You, your attorney, your spouse, and their attorney will meet together on a regular basis. Sometimes third party consultants that remain neutral in the divorce will attend to help settle assets. These people could be an accountant for example. This way you are able to settle your assets outside of a courtroom.
If you and your spouse and having trouble coming to agreements with each other’s attorneys hiring a mediator is very beneficial. They as well are a third party that remains neutral in the situation. Mediators are very knowledgeable and will be able to offer expert advice and are skilled in coming to a compromise between the parties.
When both parties have come to an agreement they will sign a “no court” agreement that will withdraw the case from going to litigation in a courtroom.
How Does Collaborative Divorce Help?
Collaborative divorce can reduce conflicts, costs, and issues that arise in the courtroom. Collaborative divorce can help you to:
- Stabilize your situation with your spouse in coming to an agreement together
- Exchange all information that is needed between you and your spouse in a civil manner
- Come to an agreement on legal expenses that will simplify the divorce process
- Agree on a settlement between the two parties
Collaborative divorce saves time, money, and reduces stress for everyone, including children if they are involved. It is amazing seeing both parties work together to come to a resolution and solution that is fair and compromised. Most top family law firms recommend going through a collaborative divorce if possible.
Is Collaborative Divorce Right For You?
If you are interested in settling your divorce in a much simpler less argumentative fashion in a courtroom collaborative divorce may be the solution for you. Contact Joseph Corey Family Law Firm today for a free quote and consultation.
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