When a pandemic occurs on a large scale, human rights must be put on the forefront of importance. Each day lives are lost to COVID-19 making it everyone’s best interest to take extraordinary measures to ensure the safety of others.
A public health crisis transcends into a human rights crisis when people do not have access to essentials tools. In times like these, it is everyone’s responsibility to protect the vulnerable. As a leading family law attorney firm, we understand the part we must play in maintaining the safety of those in our community.
Read below to learn how COVID-19 is impacting human rights and the rule of law as well as the steps we are taking to be a representative for those in need.
Understanding Your Rights
The U.N. has put an emphasis on maintaining human rights during this time. One of the criteria they have outlined is freedom of movement. Shelter in place orders are enacted for the greater good of society, international law allows these restrictions in times of national health emergencies. With that said, the obstruction of freedom of movement should only be enacted when necessary and enforcement should be non-discriminatory.
In areas that are being disproportionately affected by COVID-19, special measures need to be taken to protect high-risk groups. These groups include but are not limited to; the elderly, those with preexisting underlying disease, and those in lower-income areas that have less access to resources.
Access to services that assist the protection of human rights can be difficult during COVID-19. Individuals often exploit this fact and take advantage of those who can not get the help they need. A family law attorney can help mediate situations where individuals feel their rights are being violated.
Women’s Rights
Unfortunately, in situations like a pandemic where individuals must stay at home, women become vulnerable when exposed to domestic abuse. In addition to heightened levels of abuse, resources for affected women have decreased as many government services have ceased operation in an attempt to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Women’s access to reproductive healthcare has also been limited due to closures and limited hours of both private and public medical practices.
Women represent a large population of those in the medical field on the frontline protecting and treating those infected with COVID-19. Many women’s organizations have also put themselves at risk in order to offer assistance to the community.
Women are also underrepresented when it comes to making decisions in situations such as the response to COVID-19. It has been reported that solutions are less effective when women are not involved in the decision-making process. In response, the Secretary-General’s recent Call to Action on Human Rights has made a special attempt to have a meaningful impact on the rights of women and girls.
In an effort to offset these negative side-effects of the pandemic, stimulus checks have been distributed in order to decrease the gap in inequalities. Of course, this is not the sole purpose of the stimulus checks however women’s rights were considered with the issuing of such monetary assistance.
When women are facing hardships and feel the need to reach out for assistance, a family law attorney can act as a mediator to help give them a voice. In addition to acting as a mediator, a family law consultation is a recommended first step for women looking to get a divorce or fight for custody of their children when escaping a dangerous environment.
The Rule of Law
The rule of law constitutes four universal principles; accountability, just principles, open government, and accessible justice. The coronavirus has created the need for swift alterations in many governmental operations. There has been a question of whether or not some governmental establishments use executive authority in a manner that compromises the rule of law and how a decrease in judicial presence due to the pandemic has made it more difficult to uphold regulation of officials.
With a decrease in the availability of public services, there is an increase in the opportunity of exploitation from unethical groups. Terrorist organizations have capitalized on public outrage in an attempt to discredit government agencies.
Upholding The Rule of Law
In an effort to uphold the rule of law, a post-action review has been recommended. This can help leaders understand whether or not the use of executive power was received in a positive manner or if a more appropriate response is warranted in the future. It is essential that government officials maintain transparency during these times and listen to feedback in order to establish trust from citizens.
One method of post-review action is to revisit the impact of practices in comparison to how much of the governmental budget was used to put the practice in action. The end goal is to reduce harm and negative impact brought upon the human population. There is the hope that with technological advances, a greater positive impact can be achieved using fewer resources.
Daily press conferences from national and state authorities have been held in an effort to keep citizens informed and allow the people to hold officials accountable for their actions. With a pandemic comes fear which can easily translate into civil unrest. Officials must work with the citizens in order to maintain faith in democratic leadership so that outside groups do not gain power and use it in a negative manner.
The rule of law is put in place to uphold human rights. If you feel your rights are being violated, schedule a family law consultation to assess whether or not you are entitled to assistance.
Maintaining Justice
An international pandemic puts extra emphasis on how essential it is to have members of society that work to uphold the law. Human rights and the rule of law are put in danger when civil unrest occurs as a response to a public health crisis. If you or a loved one feel improper representation during these times, consider a family law consultation. During this meeting, you can have an informative discussion about what you are entitled to as a United States citizen.
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